On construction sites across the World theres a constant battle to keep on top of the dust created in the work environment, especially in indoor commercial refurbishment projects. Common methods to suppress the dust includes in extraction cubes, enforced ventilation and water sprayers to dampen the area prior to sweeping, however the creators of Wet Broom™ found that when an area was dampened it was drying too quickly before it could be swept, therefore creating dust resulting in having to respray the area.
Vacuuming is the preferred method for removing dust, however sometimes the vacuum isn’t capable of moving or clearing heavy debris. This gap is where the industry is struggling to eliminate dry sweeping. The Wet Broom™ bridges this gap, combining the broom and water suppression enabling heavier debris to be cleared safely and quickly.
Whilst working on a full demolition and fit out site a father and son team decided to come up with a solution and join both broom and sprayer into a robust, site worthy tool.
Both are NEBOSH trained and are passionate about site safety, especially the need to suppress dust created by every day tasks on building sites.
Whilst they initially they created Wet Broom™ for dust suppression uses on construction sites there are so many other areas where it could be used such as for disinfection and cleaning in livestock areas, domestic outdoor surface scrubbing and cleaning, such as chemical application cleaning on patios and drives.

For further information on Wet Broom™ please get in touch using the link here or go to www.olympussafetysolutions.co.uk for more information.