Lone Worker Safety – Protecting Your Workforce


As an employer, it’s imperative to address health and safety risks before allowing individuals to work alone. This responsibility extends to all personnel under your employment, including contractors and self-employed individuals.

A lone worker is someone who works without direct supervision, regular contact with others, or access to back-up support.

Examples include –

  • Delivery drivers, health workers, or engineers
  • Security staff or cleaners
  • Individuals working in warehouses or petrol stations
  • Employees working from home

These workers face increased risks due to the absence of immediate support, especially when unforeseen incidents occur. Many are also exposed to work-related road hazards. Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, it’s your duty to manage these risks effectively.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential hazards that could impact lone workers.

  • Training and Supervision: Provide adequate training, supervision, and monitoring for lone workers.

  • Communication: Maintain regular contact with lone workers and establish protocols to respond promptly to any incidents.

When lone workers operate at third-party sites, consult with the host employer to understand any specific risks and implement appropriate control measures to ensure their safety.

Specific Risks to Consider:

  • Workplace Violence: Lone workers may be more susceptible to acts of violence due to their isolated status.

  • Stress and Mental Well-being: Isolation can contribute to increased stress and mental health challenges.

  • Medical Fitness: Assess whether an individual’s health condition permits safe lone working.

  • Work Environment: Consider the nature of the workplace, especially if it’s in a remote or isolated location.

Home Workers

“While the trend in working only from home has fallen since 2021, a hybrid-working model (part travelling to work, and part at home), has become the ‘new normal’ for around a quarter of workers.” – Office of National Statistics

Employers hold the same health and safety obligations for employees working from home as they do for those on-site. This includes providing appropriate supervision, education, training, and implementing necessary control measures to safeguard home-based workers.

For comprehensive guidance, refer to the Health and Safety Executive’s resources on lone working.