Cumbria Police has launched an online winter safety awareness campaign.
The campaign will run throughout the winter months, promoting useful safety information on a wide range of topics.
The winter months bring longer periods of reduced visibility and more serve weather conditions. The campaign will provide specific advice to help people keep themselves, others, and their belongings safer in the winter months.
The first half of the campaign will focus on areas including road safety and keeping property and valuables secure.
Road Safety
The reduced visibility during the winter nights makes it harder for road users to see each other. It is essential that anyone who is out walking, cycling, or running, can be seen well by using appropriate lights, reflectors and bright clothing.
It is a driver’s responsibility to ensure the lights are working on their vehicle before their journey and are not obscured in any way, such as by mud, and that the vehicle is safe and legal to drive.
It is also important that motorists put their lights on at appropriate times, not relying on automatic running lights.
The speed limit is not a target, you should always drive to the weather conditions in front of you.
Home security
Opportunistic thieves often look for easy targets, trying door handles and windows for quick access. They will also look for empty properties or properties with valuables in plain view.
Make your property harder to access by:
Locking all doors and windows before you go out and ensuring that your house and keys are secure before you go to bed
Removing keys from locks and keeping them out of reach and out of sight, not on a hall table.
Keeping a light or lamp on if you are out
Installing real or dummy CCTV
Rural crime
Farms and rural properties can also be targeted over the winter months, including by organised criminals.
Ways to help deter theft of machinery and equipment:
Remove keys and keep them stored securely, away from the vehicle
When not in use, keep quads and ATVs locked up and out of sight
Install tracking devices and immobilisers
Use Construction Equipment Security and Registration Scheme (Cesar)
Use a security cage, steering brake/lock, ground anchor or wheel clamp when not in use
- Keep records of serial numbers and photographs of your kit, including unique identifying features
A spokesperson for Cumbria Police said: “There is no place for theft in Cumbria, it is an awful crime that profits from taking from others. We have recently arrested people on suspicion of burglary and quad bike thefts and will continue to pursue all offenders.
“To anyone considering undertaking criminal offences for profit please know this, when we identify you, you will be held to account for your actions and your ill-gotten gains pursued by proceeds of crime.
“Your criminal record will stop you travelling to certain counties and getting certain jobs and you will have no financial benefit remaining from it. Are these consequences worth the risk?”
Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “Prevention really is the key to crimes such as this – the more difficult we make it for criminals to take our belongings the less time they will spend trying to do so.”
For more safety advice, visit: Get Advice – Cumbria Constabulary.
Source: www.itv.com