ESG & Sustainability in our Workplaces – Feedback Request / CSR, Discussion, Environmental, ESG, Events, News, Sustainability, Technology, Virtual Exhibition / By Rebecca Lambert Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual summit from the speakers and exhibitors to those of you who attended! We are always trying to improve so if you could take 2 minutes to complete the following survey we would appreciate it. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.In what capacity did you attend the virtual summit? *AttendeeExhibitorSpeakerHow many booths did you visit? *Did a particular booth impress you? If so which one *How many speaker sessions did you attend? *If you missed the speaker sessions did you catch up on demand? *Did any speaker sessions particularly impress you? If so who? *How did you find the registration experience? *We worked with the platform Hubilo, what did you think of the user experience? *What can we improve? *What did we miss that we should include next time? *Submit