Introducing Amandeep Beesla – New Member of the HSE People Panel

HSE People is thrilled to introduce the latest member of the HSE People Panel – Amandeep Beesla.

HSE People: Amandeep, how did you start off in HSE?

Amandeep: It’s an interesting story actually, I didn’t learn English until I was six years old as we predominately spoke Punjabi. My father needed help with the health and safety paperwork for our family business and interacting with the authorities. I would also help him out with safety management systems and programs and ensuring that the business was complying with any sort of regulations or government standards.

I realise now that it was almost like I was destined to work in health and safety!

HSE People: Fantastic! I bet not many people began their health and safety journey as a child!! So who inspires you?

Amandeep: I would say my Dad, he was an immigrant who came from India and worked hard to provide for his family. He is now a successful businessman!

HSE People: Okay, and looking to the future, where do you see the industry in 10 years’ time?

Amandeep:  Great question! I think technology is a key factor now in HSE and we are also progressing towards more sustainability and efficiency in how we operate and finish projects.

HSE People: Absolutely! Do you have any advice for those starting out in the HSE industry?

Amandeep:  Gain experience and education, speak to everyone, network network network!

HSE People: That’s great, thank you! And are there any books or resources that you would recommend?

Amandeep: I would say look into what exactly it is you’d like to achieve, I like to point professionals in Canada towards the guide provided by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering – as you will need to plan what your goals are, time and funds are also key in this process.

HSE People: Amandeep, thank you so much for your time. We are so excited to have you as part of the HSE People Panel!


Amandeep Besla has over 20 years of experience across various projects from pipelines, winter drilling and open-pit mining to heavy industrial construction and civil road building. She has worked on international projects as part of a global team and is fluent in English and Punjabi.