The last 18 months have been like no other. We have asked the HSE People Panel members to share their experience, here we hear from Scott Crichton our HSE in the Public Sector specialist.

Well, what an 18 months it has been for us all.
As an already experienced home worker, I found that there were times of this last year that were strenuous. March 20 and 21 brought more working from home than usual, with many competing demands by clients. At times, I didn’t know whether I was coming or going in an attempt to provide rational, sensible measures for clients who were equally trying to make sense of the ever-changing guidance. Like many of us, I had colleagues placed onto furlough which then left a core team to deal with our own clients, the production of COVID safe documentation (for me primarily the education sector) and then dealing with my colleagues’ clients also. I found myself in a unique position whereby opportunities to show case my skills, knowledge and experience and raise my profile within the health and safety sector started to emerge.
Whilst there were times of last year and this that I wouldn’t like to repeat, COVID I believe actually worked in my favour and helped me to enhance my own confidence and belief in myself and others. In order to try and look after my own health and wellbeing and to manage stress levels (and practice what I preached), I chose to change my diet and eat healthier and took up running and got back on the saddle of my bike which has been a really good habit to get back into.
To find out more of what I have done, join me as I talk about this and more in the September IOSH consultancy group event.
If you would like to ask Scott or any other members of the HSE People Panel a question get in touch –