For Stress Awareness Week 2022, OneWISH wants to highlight the importance of creating psychologically safe and healthy workplaces. Co-Founder, Louise Hosking puts it beautifully… “when Health & Safety is fully embraced across whole organisations in a manner which inspires and adds values it creates a psychologically safe workplace where teams trust one another.”
This year we will be holding the event over 4 days from 7th-10th November. The programme is far reaching with an exciting and varied agenda.
Day 1, Monday 7th November
At 4.30pm Malcolm Staves, Co-Founder of OneWISH kicks off proceedings with an introduction to the event.
Dr. I. David Daniels will follow, providing us with a keynote session. Dr Daniels is a passionate leader who will talk about the role of leadership in building inclusive work environments, especially in a post-COVID world and the role of people-based professions, such as HR and EHS, in driving the culture forward.
Day 2, Tuesday 8th November
At 2pm, Lamé Terre will be joined by Melissa Mark-Joyce for a fireside chat about the barriers faced by women in middle management. Later that day at 4pm, Rosa Carrillo will talk stress factors and inclusion in health and safety.
Day 3, Wednesday 9th November
At 9am, Peter Kelly, Joelle Mitchell and others join together for a discussion around Global recognition of ISO 45003.
Day 4, Thursday 10th November
At 10am, Karen McDonnell and Ann Diment will be joined by other panellists for a session ‘Where Mentoring Fits in Improving Health and Wellbeing’. This will be followed by a fantastic lunchtime interactive session at 1pm from Heather Beach titled ‘Managing Stress and Burnout in an Uncertain World’.
At 2pm, OneWISH Co-Founder Louise Hosking will close the event.
Register your details to sign up here and OneWISH will send you a link to join any of the sessions during the week.
We look forward to welcoming you and are confident you will leave feeling empowered to continue your journey within the H&S industry.
OneWISH for International Stress Awareness Week 2022 –
Creating Psychologically Safe and Healthy Workplaces
When: 7-10 November 2022 – various times during these days (all times are GMT)
Where: Zoom virtual event
How: Sign up here