REGISTER NOW for Action on Site Health South 2024, the must-go event for construction H&S professionals. This free, educational event offers inspiring presentations from industry leaders covering respiratory, mental and hearing health, MSDs, contractor site perspectives and more. It also features engaging interactive sessions, as well as fantastic networking opportunities and first-class hospitality, with a delicious buffet breakfast and lunch included.
Taking place on the 9th July at BMA House in London, we welcome all construction health & safety personnel and site managers to attend.
What is Action on Site Health?
Over the past few years, Action on Site Health events (sponsored by RVT Group) have become recognised within the construction industry as a great opportunity to discuss and learn about important site health topics. Influential guest speakers have presented at these events, including representatives of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS), Health in Construction Leadership Group (HCLG), BAM, Laing O’ Rourke, Tilbury Douglass, Balfour Beatty, Mates in Mind, the Lighthouse Charity and more.
Your free ticket includes all the fantastic features that attendees have come to expect over the years, such as;
- Inspiring speaker presentations
- Innovative group discussions
- Networking with industry leaders
- An exciting quiz with a prize to be won
- A delicious buffet breakfast and lunch
Why are We Taking Action?
Through running these events and working together, we aim to significantly reduce work-related ill-health in the construction industry. We are also committed to raising awareness and promoting education around poor site health and uncontrolled hazards. This is why our events offer important educational content for free; we believe that this information should be accessible to all in the industry.
Our Speakers and Supporters

Download your full agenda and claim your free ticket today!
Our Full Agenda
08:00 – 09:00 – Networking Buffet Breakfast
Set yourself up for the day with a tasty buffet breakfast and get chatting to your fellow attendees.
09:00 – 09:10 – Event Open and Welcome
RVT Group, the event sponsor, will welcome you all to a day of action, before handing over to your host for the day; Colin Nottage (HCLG Respiratory Group, Chair of Construction Dust Partnership).
09:10 – 09:30 – Engineered Health
Keith Prince (Head of HS&W, Laing O’ Rourke) discusses the importance of design for the future of construction health and how engineering out risk and engineering in health could be achieved at every stage of the project lifecycle.
09:30 – 09:50 – Looking Ahead with the Health and Safety Executive
Paul Delderfield of the HSE discusses upcoming initiatives and future focuses being put in place to maximise health protection on site.
09:50 – 10:10 – Be the Change; Tackling the Construction Mental Health Crisis
Jim Beestone (HCLG Mental Health Lead, Balfour Beatty) talks through the new initiatives he has helped to put in place with the charity Mates in Mind, and how we can all “be the change” when tackling the industry’s mental health crisis.
10:10 – 10:30 – QuizMaster; Construction Edition
It’s time to grab your smart device and get quizzing! Go head-to-head with your fellow attendees and test your knowledge on site health with questions fresh for 2024. The winner will enjoy a well-earned Amazon Voucher as their prize.
10:30 – 11:00 – Networking and Exhibition Break
Grab yourself a tea or coffee and a quick snack during this well-earned break. This is another great opportunity to network with your fellow attendees and to see some of RVT Group’s innovative health hazard control solutions on display.
11:00 – 11:40 – Keynote Speech – Looking to the Future; Parliament and Commercial Risk
Professor Kevin Bampton (CEO of BOHS) speaks on what a new government could mean for the construction sector and, consequently, the health of those working within it. Kevin will also discuss the “sleeping giant” of commercial risk within the industry and the importance of implementing effective occupational health surveillance on site.
11:40 – 12:00 – Protecting Health on Site; A Consultant’s Perspective
Jennie Armstrong (founder of Construction Health and Wellbeing LTD) talks us through real life client case studies, covering a mixture of respiratory health, mental health and musculoskeletal disorders. Jennie will also discuss what’s coming up in the world of site health surveillance.
12:00 – 12:20 – Controlling Site Health Hazards; A Case Study Review
What do you do when health hazards cannot be designed out? You need to put effective and efficient controls in place to ensure everyone on and around site is protected. Kevin Dupont, one of RVT Group’s longest serving technical consultants will take you through case study examples of different health hazards being controlled effectively through innovative hazard solutions.
12:20 – 13:00 – Action Planning! A Collaborative Session
It’s time to put what you’ve learnt into practice! You will discuss what has been learnt from the presentations and networking sessions with your fellow attendees, in order to identify the key actions that you will be taking when you return to the workplace. Delegates will be encouraged to share their actions with the room where highlights and trends will be identified and discussed by Colin Nottage.
13:00 – 14:00 – Networking Buffet Lunch and Event Close
Download your agenda and claim your free ticket today!