The next edition of our e-magazine SafeGuard will be published on the 24th October, focusing on PPE and workwear for all. We have previously published two editions of this digital publication with incredible support and success. HSE People has always been a massive advocate of workplace equality and equity.
The main sponsor package includes a hyperlinked banner, a feature, image and your company contact details and socials.
Why advertise in SafeGuard?
- Your content and company information will go into the email inboxes of over 150,000 HSE professionals
- Our e-magazines have an average open rate of 26.4% and an average click rate of 9.2%
- Advertising in SafeGuard includes extensive LinkedIn promotion helping to grow your followers and online presence
- Our team can advise what sort of content works, how you can generate leads and how you can grow your LinkedIn presence
A standard feature is just £550/€655/$725 and includes a piece of content published on www.hsepeople.com, your company in the e-magazine and much more.
To find out more contact Abigail Birch on abby@hsepeople.com or call the office on +44 1572 768 834.